Quest Diagnostics played a key role in the fight against COVID-19. With the help from companies like Quest, we were able to understand the behavior and patterns of the virus. The current branding for Quest felt outdated and did not reflect the companies importance in the field. The goal was to create a visual identity that helps Quest take the lead and take the branding on a more contemporary direction.
Designing a simple combination mark with a modern typeface was key for the success of this project. The logo needed to be contemporary, appropriate, and adaptable.
The Quest logo is our biggest brand ambassador. It is important that we use it correctly and consistently so that our patients have no trouble recognizing our brand.
We own the green. Our services are vast and complicated, so our colors should shouldn't be.
Our colors values are as follows:
HEX #549b5b
HEX #3f3f3f
HEX #fffffff
We like our typography to do the talking. A big part of our visual identity is the use of the geometric sans serif Gilroy in Extra Bold and Extra Light.